Sunday, 17 January 2016

MSBI -- SSAS -- Part-7

MSBI -- SSAS -- Part-7

Fact Table and Types:
Fact Table:-
                       The Table which contains Day-to-Day business Transaction data is known as Fact Table.
 Basically Fact Table contains 2 kinds of data.
1.     Key Session data
2.     Measure Session Data

Types of Fact Table:
                                                Following are the types of Fact Tables.
1.     Transaction Fact Table.
2.     Periodic Snapshot Fact Table.
3.     Accumulating Snapshot Fact Table.
Transaction Fact Table:-
                                           Transaction Fact Table contains more detailed level of information. Each Transaction Line Item will take place in Fact table.

                                          The above table contains each Day level Transaction records.

Periodic Snapshot Fact table:-
                                          In a Fact Table, if we maintain data with somewhat aggregate level by rolling up in detailed transaction data for period of time. Such kind of Fact Table is known as Periodic Fact Table.
                                        The above table contains each Month level aggregated records.
Accumulating Snapshot Fact Table:-
                                                               In a Fact Table, if we maintain process level data with one record from Process begin and Process end by updating the Fact table data those kind of Fact table is known as Accumulating Snapshot Fact Table.

                                                             The above table contains only one record which is aggregated from start of the process to end of the process.

1 comment:

  1. Overall its a good start and simple and clear understanding. However, there is a mix of Data-warehouse concepts with SSAS. So, there should be a flow of process\content which defines each services and DWH. Also, include graphical representation of the explanation which is specified.
