Thursday, 14 April 2016

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-4

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-4

                                   Following are the SQL Server advance interview questions.

  • Have you created VIEWs and what are the types of views.
  • Is it possible to use ORDER BY with in the view definition
  • What is STORED PROCEDURE and its advantages.
  • Is it possible to call one stored procedure with in a another procedure.
  • What is User Defined Functions(UDF) and its advantages.
  • What is SQL SERVER Profiler.
  • Have you come across Execution Plan and what is the advantage.
  • Have you involved SQL query tuning OR How do you improve query performance.
  • How did you handle Error Handling OR Exception Handling.
  • What is TRY,CATCH.
  • Is it possible to call Function with in a function.
  • Have you called function with in a Procedure.
  • Have you used CURSOR and Can you explain the situation when you have used your carrier.
  • What is alternative for CURSOR.
  • What is trigger and its types.
  • What is INDEX and its usage.
  • How many types of INDEX available.
  • what is the difference between CLUSTERED and NON CLUSTERED INDEX.

Please share your answer through comments.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-3

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-3

                                   Following are the SQL Server basic interview questions.
  • What is BIT Data Type and what’s the information that can be stored inside a BIT Column.
  • What is Locking.
  • What is Normalization and explain different forms of normalization.
  • How to change Database Name.
  • How to Rename Database Columns.
  • What are the System databases available and explain.
  • How do you change the character length of the VARCHAR Column from 100 to 200.
  • Is it possible to delete records from Foreign Key Column in a table.
  • What is SQL Server Agent.
  • What is the difference between ISNULL() AND COALESCE() Functions.
  • Difference between REPLACE() and STUFF()
  • What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL.

Please share your answer through comments.

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-2

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-2

                      Following are the some of the SQL Server basic interview questions.
  • What is JOINs and its types.
  • What is Inner join and any real time example please.
  • What is the scope of local Temp Tables and Global Temp tables.
  • What is the use of RANK() function.
  • Difference between RANK() and DENSERANK().
  • Have you used ROW_NUMBER() function any time.
  • What is System Defined Function OR Built-In Functions.
  • Can You list out what are the Built-In Functions available.
  • What is CASE Statements and how it is different from If else Statement.
  • What is Correlated Subquery and have you used any time.
  • Difference between DATEPART() and DATENAME() Functions.
  • Difference between IS NULL and ISNULL() function.
  • What is STUFF() function.
  • What is the SQL Server version you are using in production.
  • What is SQL Server Default TCP/IP Port Number
  • Have you ever used UPDATE_STATISTICS Command
  • Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key
  • What ACID Property in Database
  • what do you mean by SEED in Identity Column.

Please share your answer through comments.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-1

Interview Questions -- SQL Server -- Part-1

                                              Following are the SQL Server basic interview questions.

  • What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
  • What is MERGE Command and its advantage.
  • What is the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE.
  • What is HAVING Clause and how it is differentiate from WHERE Clause.
  • How to check Table existence/availability, that means if table already available with the given name then DROP and create.
  • What are the two authentication modes in SQL Server.
  • What is CONSTRAINT and how many typ of Constraints available.
  • What is the Prerequisite for Creating FOREIGN KEY Constraint.
  • What is IDENTITY Column in a table.
  • How many types of Transactions
  • Implicit Transaction
  • Explicit Transaction
  • What is COMMIT and ROLLBACK.
  • How to copy data from one table to another table.
  • What is Local and Global Temp Tables.
  • What is difference between Variable and Table Variable.
  • What is CTE
  • What is Recursive CTE.
  • What is Sub Query and its types.

Please share your answer through comments.